Hai visitors,
welcome to disclaimer page of Lyric Bazaar. We are giving you lyrics of the songs which was not composed by us and the lyrics also not written by us.
Lyrics of this site Lyric Bazaar are published when they published the songs or reveal the lyrics in their pages like twitter or fb. All rights of using these lyrics goes to the lyricist that we given on our every posts.
All Songs here was listened by us and then we write it on Lyric Bazaar. We are not selling or uses a (photo)copy or reproduction of any material for purposes anything regarding the film or song. We just open up the words of Lyrics.
The translations of Madhan Karky's Song was writen by Nandini Karky who was the wife of Madhan Karky. All credit goes to her.
All lyrics here are copyrighted copyrighted material.One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, or research, Poetry , and to sing a song, for social media uses". If a user/visitor of this website uses a (photo)copy or reproduction of any material for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user/visitor may be liable for copyright infringement.
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